Prerequisite: Basic Computer Knowledge
Total No. of Hours: 40
This course includes:
1. GETTING STARTED WITH PYTHON- Introduction, Python-Pluses, Python- Minuses, Working in Python, Understanding First Program/Script
2. PYTHON FUNDAMENTALS- Introduction, Python Character Set, Tokens (Keywords, Identifiers, Literals/Values, Operators, Punctuators), Barebones of a Python Program, Variables and Assignments (Creating a Variable, Multiple Assignments, Variable Definition, Dynamic Typing), Simple Input and Output (Reading Numbers, Output Through print() Function)
3. DATA HANDLING- Introduction, Data Types(Numbers, Strings, Lists & Tuples, Sets, Dictionary), Mutable and Immutable Types, Operators, Expressions, Working with Modules (Math, Random, Statistics)
4. FLOW OF CONTROL- Introduction, Types of Statements in Python, Statement Flow Control, The if Statements of Python, The range() Function, Iteration/looping Statements
5. STRING MANIPULATION- Introduction, Traversing a String, String Operators, String Slices, String Functions & Methods
6. LIST MANIPULATION- Introduction, Creating and Accessing Lists, List Operations, Making True Copy of a List, List Functions & Methods, Nested Lists, List Manipulation (Appending, Inserting, Modifying, Deleting, Sorting)
7. TUPLES- Introduction, Creating & Accessing Tuples, Tuple Operations, Tuple Functions & Methods, Indirectly Modifying Tuples, Nested Tuples
8. DICTIONARIES- Introduction, Characteristics of a Dictionary, Working with Dictionaries, Dictionary Functions & Methods
9. UNDERSTANDING SORTING- Introduction, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort
10. WORKING WITH NUMPY- Introduction, NumPy Arrays, NumPy Data Types, Creating NumPy Arrays, Working with NumPy Arrays, Arithmetic Operators on NumPy Arrays, Using Functions with NumPy Arrays
11. FUNCTIONS- Types of Function (built-in functions, functions defined in module, user defined functions), Creating User Defined Function, Arguments and Parameters, Default Parameters, Positional Parameters, Function returning value(s), Flow of Execution, Scope of a Variable (global scope, local scope)
12. INTRODUCTION TO FILES- Introduction to Files, Types of Files (Text file, Binary file, CSV file)
13. DATA STRUCTURES- Stack, operations on stack (push & pop), implementation of stack using list.